そのような企業の経営者の方々、問題意識を持つ一人一人に寄り添うことで、人を光り輝かせるために役に立つ者となりたい。「Kaleido=光煌く美しいもの」を作り出す者になりたいという想いを込めて、株式会社 カレイディストは誕生しました。
株式会社 カレイディスト 代表取締役 兼 CEO 塚原 月子
塚原 月子
代表取締役 兼 CEO
ダイバーシティ&インクルージョンの領域における専門家として、経営戦略とマッチしたD&I戦略の策定、組織課題の特定、行動計画の策定支援などを中心とするアドバイザリー、コンサルティングを行うほか、リサーチの実施、研修・講演サービスの提供、イベントの企画など従事。米国に本部を置くCatalyst Inc.の日本での活動をサポートするアドバイザー。
30% Club Japanに立ち上げより関わり、現在意思決定メンバーの一人。
二木 桂子
ボストン・コンサルティング・グループでは、ヘルスケア、消費財などの業界を中心に日本事務所及び香港事務所でコンサルティングを実施。レミー・ジャポンではブランドマネジャーとして、新規ブランドの導入、新たなセグメントでの顧客開拓など、「新領域の開拓」に腕を振るい、20代でマーケティングマネージャーとしてチームを統括。ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン ビジョンケア カンパニーでは、ワンデーアキュビューブランドシリーズのマーケティングや全ブランドを対象としたオンラインでのトライアルキャンペーンの新たな試みにチャレンジし、医療従事者向けウェブサイト立ち上げ、マーケティング部門向け研修全般担当、ビジョンケアカンパニーの経営戦略立案など多岐にわたるポジションを経験しながら、リーダーシップ層の一角を担った。
根元 啓花
会社名 Company Name |
株式会社 カレイディスト Kaleidist K.K. |
代表者 President |
塚原月子 Tsukiko Tsukahara |
設立 Founded |
2018年2月 February 2018 |
決算期 Fiscal Year |
4月~3月 From April to March |
取引銀行 Our Bank |
みずほ銀行六本木支店 Roppongi Branch, Mizuho Bank |
事業内容 Business Activities |
ダイバーシティ・マネジメント、インクルーシブリーダーシップ研修の企画・実施 ダイバーシティ・マネジメント、インクルージョン経営コンサルティング 講演、パネルディスカッション等 調査研究 |
Designing and execution trainings regarding Diversity Management and Inclusive Leadership Advisory services in Diversity Management and Inclusion Speaking engagement, participation as panelist, moderator Research |
連絡先 Inquiries |
Info@kaleidist.com |
住所 Adress |
〒106-0045 東京都港区麻布十番1-8-11 |
If each individual can sparkle by demonstrating their diverse hidden talents, the organization created by these individuals should be phenomenal ・・・
This should be obvious, but is not easily realized. There are barriers both within oneself and with the outside environment, let it be the social or organizational norms created through the years or the expectation behind leadership behavior or teams. But the underlying issue is the lack of an inclusive culture which respects individual uniqueness, enabling individuals to grow and contribute equally to the workplace and to society.
Through my experience of working with many companies, I have seen the great potential that exists in fully leveraging diverse talent. Although many companies strive to capitalize on these personnel assets, they are overwhelmed with everyday issues and fall short of full utilization.
To those corporate leaders, to those individuals that have concerns or issues, we will escort and co-work with you to enable each individual in your organization to thrive. Kaleidist K.K. was created with the hope to become the initiator of , “Kaleido=Beautiful shape” of individuals.
We aim to become your best partner, to grow your business by helping each individual employee shine to their fullest potential.
Kaleidist K.K. President Tsukiko Tsukahara
Tsukiko Tsukahara
Founder and President
Work experience at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Boston Consulting Group, Catalyst Japan and founded Kaleidist K.K. in February 2018.
As an expert in Diversity & Inclusion, she develops D&I strategies which coincides with the company strategy, identifies issues within the organization and develops actions plans to overcome these issues through her advisory and consulting work. Kaleidist focuses its activities on consulting and advisory services, speaking engagement and facilitation services, trainings and workshop services related to the topics of “diversity and inclusion”, “inclusive leadership”, “career advancement for women”, “workstyle innovation” and “change management. She also serves as the advisor to Catalyst Inc., a global non-profit organization which accelerates women’s career through workplace inclusion, for its various activities in Japan.
Tsukiko Tsukahara has also been serving on the Women 20, one of the official engagement groups of G20, as the Executive Director to W20 Japan Steering Committee since July 2018, and is one of Japan’s Co-Representatives of EMPOWER (Empowerment and Progression of Women’s Economic Representation) that was launched at the 2019 G20 Osaka Summit.
She is also a part of the 30% Club Japan since its launch and is a member of the Steering Committee. An Expert Panelist at The Center for Global Inclusion.
As a mother with three children, she herself is also implementing “workstyle change” to juggle childcare and work.
BA of Economics, Tokyo University. MBA from Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College.
Keiko Futagi
Work experience at Boston Consulting Group, Remy Japon, Johnson & Johnson, Catalyst Japan and currently at Kaleidist K.K. since 2018.
While at BCG worked on projects for the health care and consumer goods industry in Japan and in Hong Kong. At Remy Japon, started off as a brand manager, introducing new products to develop new consumer segments to “cultivate new markets” and became marketing manager to lead the marketing team in her late 20’s. At Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Company started off in marketing working for the 1-Day Acuvue franchise, while working on a company wide digital brand “Mass to Ask(free trial)” campaign unprecedented in Japan. Headed the launch of the professional website for eyecare professionals, initiated the marketing training program for new marketers and lead the project on company strategy development to gain back share as part of the leadership team.
In 2015, with the launch of Catalyst Japan joined the Diversity & Inclusion space working not only with companies but also with female individuals aspiring to become future leaders on self-branding, networking and mentoring. She also works with companies to develop a more effective sponsorship program to help the development of high potential talent.
BA of Economics, Tokyo University. MBA from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Keika Nemoto
Work experience at Bloomberg L.P, Morgan Stanley Japan Securities, Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation of Japan (now REVIC), a startup providing work-life support, and joined Kaleidist K.K. in October 2021.
She is involved in research, consulting, and planning training programs in the DE&I area. With her experience in professional work and balancing with parenting, her focus is on a career creating organizations where a diverse workforce can thrive.
Her strength is in planning and implementing training programs that lead to the empowerment of women through a positive psychology approach.
Kaleidist K.K. and its logo were created with the hope to become the initiator of , “Kaleido=Beautiful shape” of individuals.
会社名 Company Name |
株式会社 カレイディスト Kaleidist K.K. |
代表者 President |
塚原月子 Tsukiko Tsukahara |
設立 Founded |
2018年2月 February 2018 |
決算期 Fiscal Year |
4月~3月 From April to March |
取引銀行 Our Bank |
みずほ銀行六本木支店 Roppongi Branch, Mizuho Bank |
事業内容 Business Activities |
ダイバーシティ・マネジメント、インクルーシブリーダーシップ研修の企画・実施 ダイバーシティ・マネジメント、インクルージョン経営コンサルティング 講演、パネルディスカッション等 調査研究 |
Designing and execution trainings regarding Diversity Management and Inclusive Leadership Advisory services in Diversity Management and Inclusion Speaking engagement, participation as panelist, moderator Research |
連絡先 Inquiries |
Info@kaleidist.com |
住所 Address |
1-8-11,Azabu-Juban,Minato-Ku,Tokyo,106-0045,Japan. |
Kaledist is an independent consulting firm, a separate entity that is not associated with Catalyst Japan or Catalyst Inc..
Copyright © Kaleidist k.k. All Rights Reserved.